Tips For Buying A Dog Crate For Trips

Dog Crate for Road Trips

When you are planning a trip and your entire family is going, can you forget about your dogs? They are like family and deserve to spend time with you while traveling. Your dogs’ safety must be a priority. Your dogs need to be comfortable as well as safe. Your mode and duration of transportation will dictate the best crate solution for your dogs. You may choose a booster seat or seat belt/harness instead of a kennel. In any case, allow for extra time for potty stops. Don’t forget snacks, water and poop bags!

There are may factors to consider when selecting a crate for travel.

small size dog crate

Determining The Size         

Size is an important thing to be considered when choosing a stylish dog crate. The crate should be big enough to accommodate the dog, but not much bigger. A crate that is too large can be unsafe.

Compliant With Law

In many states, animal protection law is strong enough to charge the owner for not carrying the pet in a safe and secure manner. It is possible in some states to be cited for an unrestrained dog that causes driver distraction.

plastic made crate

Safety And Security

The crate should be sturdy enough to protect the dog from an accident but also allow for ventilation. When traveling by car, you can find crate options to fit your specific vehicle. There are many crate manufacturers that do crush and impact testing, so do your homework. Travel kennels vary greatly in quality and sturdiness, so take the time to look over the features and specifications to make sure you choose a safe kennel. Make sure to get the kennel well in advance of any travel plans so your dog h

Flying with your pets

Most airlines have similar rules for pets, but check with your particular airline well in advance of booking your flights. Be aware that pets and service animals can be covered by different sets of rules. Military and government personnel traveling with pets may be covered by different rules. Flights outside of the Continental US may have additional restrictions.

Here are some common rules that may apply to flying with a pet and should be considered in your plans:

Extra charges will apply. If your flights are booked on multiple airlines, partner airlines or as code-share flights, be prepared to make multiple payments to each participating airlines.

Airlines limit the number of pets allowed on each flight. Not all aircraft and not all classes of seats can accommodate pets.

Only cats and dogs are usually allowed to fly in the cabin and they must be in an approved carrier that is stowed under the seat in front of you. That carrier will count as your carry-on. If your pet won’t comfortably bit in a carrier that will fit under the seat, you will be required to ship the dog as cargo.

Airlines may prevent specific brachycephalic (flat faced) breeds from flying due to inscribed risk of respiratory issues. Some airlines will refuse to fly animals based on breed due to aggressive or behavioral issues.

Pet strollers are treated the same as human baby strollers and must be checked at the gate. Fees may apply.

Be prepared to provide documentation of health and current vaccinations. Sedated animals may be prohibited from flying due to increased health risks.

If your pet must fly as cargo, there may be additional rules related to size and weight of the kennel, kennel materials and construction, ventilation, food and water, etc.  If you have 2 animals, there may be limitations on species, size and age that prevent them from flying together. The airline may have temperature policies and not allow animals in the cargo hold when it’s too hot or too cold.

Do your research and be prepared

You have many options for protecting your pets when you travel. Make sure you plan ahead to ensure your pet’s safely and comfort. Purchase the proper crate for your dogs size and mode of transportation. Make sure to acclimate your pet to their crate prior to traveling.

When you are ready for a custom kennel for you home, talk to us. Order standard single and double kennels online. Call/text 405-624-0062, email, use the Connect tab or follow us on any social media @kennelandcrate to learn more! We’d love to build the perfect kennel for you. Read our other blog posts to learn about choosing the perfect kennel.