Entice Your Pet to Stay in Their Crate


Double kennel, hinged doors, weathered teal finish.

Dogs have a natural den instinct, so a crate can be a safe, relaxing spot for your dog. When a crate is used correctly, the dog can make it their private room. Most dogs, after being trained, feel safe inside a crate and do not pee or poop in it. Here are some games to play to acclimate your dog with their new kennel.

Game 1

This is the simplest one of the lot. Teach your puppy to follow your command to go in the crate, and be consistent with that command. It can be anything from “kennel up” to “go nighty night” to “go to your room.” Consistency is what matters. Sit near the crate and praise your dog when he comes near the crate without any command. Give him treats for going inside. You can give a treat when it keeps the first paw inside, even does not enter. Gradually increase the treats and give them lots when your puppy stays in the crate for a couple of minutes. Positive reinforcement is the key.

As the game goes on, your puppy will start learning to stay inside the crate for longer periods. For the first time, it may go inside and come out within seconds. Give it a treat for staying longer in there and keep on praising. Initially, stay near the crate to provide security and comfort.

Game 2

Dogs are very good at finding things. It is in their natural to sniff and find things. Keep your dogs favorite toy or ball inside the crate and ask him to go find it. This will get your dog to go inside. If the dog stays inside the crate after finding the toy, that is a good sign. If he comes out, give him a treat and toss the toy again inside the crate and keep on repeating the process until he becomes comfortable.

Game 3

Dogs love hide and seek games. Train it to stay inside the crate while you hide. Take time to hide and ask him to find you. Keep on playing in short intervals. Increase the time of calling him and let him stay inside for longer periods of time. Your dog will gradually grow an interest in the crate.

Game 4

When your dog is completely accustomed to the crate, ask him to come outside and play around and then instruct him to return to the crate with your chosen command.


Order the perfect kennel

From materials to benefits of the crate – we’re happy to help with ordering a custom kennel from Kennel and Crate. Order standard single and double kennels online. Call/text 405-624-0062, email office@kennelandcrate.com, use the Connect tab or follow us on any social media @kennelandcrate to learn more! We’d love to build the perfect kennel for you. Read our other blog posts to learn about choosing the perfect kennel.